Tuesday 16 February 2010

Goal setting - the reasons why other's fail

Discover the four reasons why other people aren't setting goals and how you can learn from their mistakes to get started on your path to success and achievement

Saturday 18 July 2009

Abundance - the story of the acorn

This is a fantastic short video on the abundance of the acorn.

Enjoy and please pass on to those you care about

From the SuccessBlog

3 Steps to your Abundance

Cracking The Abundance Code

Since its release in 2006, an estimated 300 million worldwide have been introduced to the Law of Attraction by "The Secret". How many of these are at this moment attracting abundance into their lives? What in that case does it take to create the lifestyle, wealth and abundance so many crave?

Consider this statement of truth: Whatever we image in our mind, whatever we expect and think on, we will be likely to bring into our lives.
Assuming for a moment this is accurate, how can we benefit from this information to invite the abundance we desire?

It possibly will be challenging to comprehend initially that everything we envision comprises millions of microscopic particles in constant vibration yet science has convincingly proven the existence and the constant process of the Law of mental attraction. For this rationale we should be particularly vigilant how and what we think about, for the reason that our predominant mental way of thinking is the primary cause of everything that comes into our lives. The sooner we take responsibility and accept this truth, the more readily we will begin to advance our results.

Something significant to consider is that you cannot long or yearn for anything unless it already exists, if not already in form, then in possibility; and your desire is how you commence to bring it forth into visible manifestation or physical reality. A significant point however is to start consciously seeing what you want rather than what you want to change. Cold for example is the absence of heat. You cannot get warm by thinking about cold; neither can you attract abundance by thinking about lack.By itself, desire is of limited use without the expectation that what you wish for will in fact take place or arrive. It is this expectation that puts the fuel into the furnace of attraction and transforms mere wishing or dreaming into the co-creative process.

3 Steps to Attracting Abundance

1. INTEREST. What are you truly interested in? Interest is paying special attention to an object or idea. It is being absolutely concerned about something or someone. Interest is tending to see in the material world what already exists in one's mind. Your interests are the things you think of that give you joy, pleasure or satisfaction.

2. ATTENTION. On what do you place your attention? What do you love to do? Having a high interest is not enough. It is our focussed attention that begins to convert our dreams and goals from our minds into actuality. As we direct our attention to our interest, this magnifies our power of attraction which draws to us things in harmony or vibration with our thoughts. Precisely as a magnifying glass can concentrate the power of the sun, or a laser can concentrate light into an immensely powerful beam, so too can our attention intensify our interest and desires.

3. EXPECTATION-this can be considered as an operational form of attention. When you really believe in the probability of success, you experience the highest interest in your work. This awareness is intensified with expectation and anticipation. Through the magnification of your expectation, you can draw to you the success you wish for. Expectation is the crucial final stage; your expectation should be built up with your interest and attention.
Once you apply the three steps in the Abundance Code, you will start to unleash the treasure house in your unconscious mind. Proceed with faith and certainty and do not allow doubts and fears into your mind a these will disperse the power of your attraction. As R. Holliwell, author of “Working with the Law” puts it “When you pray for one thing and then fear and doubt that you will receive it, you diffuse your mental forces and can attract only what the lesser thoughts believe and expect.”

Bob Proctor, one of the leading teachers from "The Secret" and an authority on the Law of Attraction has created a new course explaining the 11 Forgotten Laws. It starts with a FREE 7 part video series - Click here for more

Thursday 2 July 2009

Brian Tracy on Goals

Brian Tracy on goals...

I've been studying success and the psychology of success for more than 25 years. I've spoken about this subject to many thousands of successful men and women. Ultimately, everyone comes to the same conclusion. "Success cannot be achieved without goals."The ability to set goals and make plans for their accomplishment is, in reality, the "master skill" of success. It is the single most important skill that you can ever learn and perfect. Goal-setting will do more to help you achieve the things you want in life than anything else you've been exposed to.

Becoming an expert at goal-setting and goal-achieving is something that you absolutely must do if you wish to fulfill your potential as a human being.Goals enable you to do the work you want to do, to live where you want to live, to be with the people you enjoy, and to become the kind of person you want to become.

Setting goals enables you to achieve all of these. If one of your goals is to make a lot of money, then there's very little that can stop you from achieving financial success. There are millions of men and women who have started in poverty and obscurity and by setting goals, have achieved wealth and prestige.

There is virtually no limit to the financial rewards you can obtain. All you have to do is to set them as goals, make a plan, and then work the plan until you succeed in that area.The whole purpose of setting goals and making plans is for you to be able to choose the kind of life you want to live.

Not on track with your New Year's Resolutions? Let Brian Tracy help you--click here now.

For more Brian Tracy go to The SuccessBlog

Saturday 20 June 2009

Building your Millionaire Mindset

In these ‘interesting’ economic times many people are concerned for their financial futures. But to a rare group of individuals, those with the millionaire mindset, we are living in the middle of great opportunity. How then do we create or develop such a millionaire mindset? Surely it is more than just sticking our heads in the sand and hoping the problem will go away? Well, many experts certainly recommend that by switching off the news and avoiding the nay sayers we have made the first steps in developing the mindset of a millionaire, someone who looks for and expects the best in every situation. Someone who believes that opportunities are everywhere if we only have our eyes, ears and senses attuned to them.
One of the earliest books to reach mass consciousness regarding the millionaire mindset was ‘The Science of Getting Rich’ which has inspired generations of entrepreneurs, business owners and free thinkers. In it the author, W.Wattles lays out a blueprint for achieving financial success and getting rich.

The 7 Secrets of the Millionaire Mindset

Cooperation - Universal energy is always creative and never competitive. Therefore to be successful we must give up competitiveness and work on helping one another. The concept of a self made millionaire is a false one. Very few get rich on their own without the support of a team.

Gratitude - A person may only come into full harmony with Universal energy by entertaining a sincere gratitude for the blessings it bestows upon him. Gratitude unifies the mind of man with the intelligence of substance, so that man’s thoughts are received by the formless. A person can remain upon the creative plane only by uniting himself with the formless intelligence through a deep and continuous feeling of gratitude.

Visualisation - A person must form a clear and definite mental image of the things he or she wishes to have, to do, or to become, and must hold this mental image in thoughts, while being deeply grateful to the supreme that all his desires are granted. The person who wishes to get rich must spend his leisure hours in contemplating that vision, and in earnest thanksgiving that the wealth is being given to them. Too much stress cannot be laid on the importance of frequent contemplation of the mental image, coupled with unwavering faith and devout gratitude. This is the process by which the impression is given to the formless and the creative forces set in motion.

Action - What is truly wanted will come through the ways of established trade business and commerce. Universal energy may provide the ideas but we must convert these ideas into reality.

Readiness - In order to receive wealth and riches when it is ready to come, a person must be in action in a way that causes them to more than fill his present place. In other words in order to expand our financial success we must play a larger role and contribute more to the world.

Consistency. A person must keep in mind the purpose to get rich through realization of their mental image and must do, every day all that can be done that day, taking care to do each act in a successful manner. Do what you love or at least love what you do.

Contribution. A person must give to every other person a use value in excess of the money received, so that each transaction makes for more life, and they must hold the advancing thought so that the impression of increase will be communicated to all with whom they comes into contact. Millionaires are not made in one off transactions but true wealth is created by delighting your customers and clients time and time again.

There are any number of opportunities to create wealth and get rich but by applying the secrets of the millionaire mindset an individual has a greater chance of creating and keeping his or her wealth. For a great number of successful people the combination of setting definite precise goals, visualising success and taking inspired action can be largely attributed to their achievements. If we believe that ‘success leaves clues’, then these actions and the 7 steps above should form part of everyone’s success strategies.

For your free copy of the “Science of Getting Rich” please visit our site URSuccess.Net

Thursday 21 May 2009

7 Steps to Financial Success

In 1910 Wallace D Wattles wrote one of THE classic books on wealth creation and financial success called ‘The Science of Getting Rich’ which has inspired generations of entrepreneurs, business owners and free thinkers. It was credited as the inspiration behind the Law of Attraction book and movie phenomenon ‘The Secret’. In it Wattles lays out a blueprint for achieving financial success and getting rich. A free copy of the full e-Book is available from our site URSuccess.Net

The 7 Steps to Financial Success

1. Cooperation - Universal energy is always creative and never competitive in spirit. Therefore to be successful we must give up competitiveness and work on helping one another. The concept of a self made millionaire is a false one. Very few get rich on their own without the support of a team.
2. Gratitude - A person may come into full harmony with Universal energy by entertaining a lively and sincere gratitude for the blessings it bestows upon him. Gratitude unifies the mind of man with the intelligence of substance, so that man’s thoughts are received by the formless. A person can remain upon the creative plane only by uniting himself with the formless intelligence through a deep and continuous feeling of gratitude.
3. Mental Image - A person must form a clear and definite mental image of the things he or she wishes to have, to do, or to become, and must hold this mental image in thoughts, while being deeply grateful to the supreme that all his desires are granted. The person who wishes to get rich must spend his leisure hours in contemplating that vision, and in earnest thanksgiving that the wealth is being given to them. Too much stress cannot be laid on the importance of frequent contemplation of the mental image, coupled with unwavering faith and devout gratitude. This is the process by which the impression is given to the formless and the creative forces set in motion.
4. Take action - What is truly wanted will come through the ways of established trade business and commerce. Universal energy may provide the ideas but we must convert these ideas into reality. In order to receive wealth and riches when it is ready to come, a person must be in action in a way that causes them to more than fill his present place. In other words in order to expand our financial success we must play a larger role and contribute more to the world.
5. Do your best everyday and all the time. A person must keep in mind the purpose to get rich through realization of their mental image and must do, every day all that can be done that day, taking care to do each act in a successful manner. 6.Do what you love or at least love what you do.
7. Give value to receive value. A person must give to every other person a use value in excess of the money received, so that each transaction makes for more life, and they must hold the advancing thought so that the impression of increase will be communicated to all with whom they comes into contact. Millionaires are not made in one off transactions but true wealth is created by delighting your customers and clients time and time again.

In today’s economy many are seeking answers. For some, the Law of Attraction appears inconsistent or unreliable. Since the ‘Secret’ many have been disappointed by lack of immediate results - dismissing the principle as new age hokum. From a personal perspective I remain steadfastly convinced that thinking negatively can only create bad feelings, despair and more negativity including ill health. If this is true, then logic would suggest that the opposite may also be true and that positive thinking, optimism and action may set in motion a positive spiral towards health, wealth and happiness. For a great number of successful people the combination of setting definite goals, visualising success and taking inspired action can be largely attributed to their achievements. If we believe that ‘success leaves clues’, then these actions and the 7 steps above should form part of everyone’s success strategies.

For your free copy of the full e-Book please visit our site URSuccess.Net or for an exclusive audio download please click here